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The Vikings Experience Day

Descend into the turbulent world of the Vikings, but will everything be violence and brutality? Discover how much more there was to our Scandinavian neighbours and ancestors than simply raiding and pillaging.

Learn about who these people were, where they came from and the worlds that they were travelling to. Find yourself in Middgard, or Middle Earth, a world filled with mysterious goings on caused by trolls, giants, dwarves and evles, magical forces that are invisible to the human eye.

Perhaps you will endeavour a 9th century "get rich quick scheme" and join a raiding party to abundant far flung shores or maybe you might like to try a less violent approach and trade with your neighbours?

What about the people who get left behind? There will be lots of chores still to be done around the homestead while the men are away fighting and seeking fortunes!

Topics covered in the day include:

  • 9th century Scandinavian beliefs and the Norse creation myth

  • Life in the Homestead

  • Sending Messages using Runes

  • Viking Games

  • Vikings: Traders or Raiders?

Plus much more!

For further details on our Vikings Experience Day, including pricing and availability call us now on 07540 860930, email us at or fill out our enquiry form.

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