The Victorians Experience Day
Class you may be seated!
Do not speak unless spoken to, children should be seen and not heard, do you understand? Any unruly behaviour in my classroom will be punished!
Just how much has changed in 150 years? Step back in time into a Victorian classroom to find out. But be careful it may not be quite like what you are used to!
If you finish all of your work and make it through school unscathed then you may be rewarded with play time, being able to handle and play with Victorian toys and games.
Don't get too comfortable though as after school you need to go to work. Will you be one of the fortunate ones and work with your parents in their shop on the high street, or will you be sent to the factory and have to crawl through working machines to clean them out (watch your head)?
In this fun (and slightly terrifying) day about the Victorians you will learn:
How children were treated
What was taught at school
How dangerous was everyday life
different types of occupation
Life on the high street
Life in the Workhouse
The games children played
Plus much more!
For further details on our Victorian Experience Day, including pricing and availability call us now on 07540 860930, email us at info@classroomadventures.co.uk or fill out our enquiry form.