The Anglo-Saxons Experience Day
Eala! Wes ðu hal?
Were the Dark Ages really dark?
Were the Angles and Saxons really illiterate?
Start the day learning how the Anglo-Saxons believed the world came into being when they first arrived upon these shores. Then fast forward 400 years to an island full of different christian kingdoms.
Follow the footsteps of a Saxon family in the kingdom of Wessex as they go about their daily lives.
In this immersive day we will look at what Anglo-Saxon life and how the invasion of the Vikings changed everything for normal people.
Topics covered in the day include:
Saxon Storytelling
Life in the Homestead
Sending Messages using Runes
Saxon Games
Vikings! Traders or Raiders?
Plus much more!
For further details on our Anglo-Saxon Experience Day, including pricing and availability call us now on 07540 860930, email us at or fill out our enquiry form.